Eken Cup purpose & goal

Our purpose is to arrange a fun, good handball cup with the following goals:

Children and Youth

  • Eken Cup aims to manifest handball in all shapes and forms to encourage children and youth to physical activity and enable competition under fun conditions
  • Create an inclusive and safe environment where one can meet new friends playing handball and experience positive team spirit
  • Provide a joyful ending of the handball season and a memorable start of the Summer holiday

Team Coaches and Clubs

  • Eken Cup aims to create an environment that enables a good professional collaboration between team coaches and make it easy and smooth to participate throughout the duration of the cup
  • Increase awareness of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which is Swedish law since 2020, also see the The National Sports Confederation’s and Swedish Childrens Rights initiative for safer children’s and youth sports Barnens-spelregler-regelbok-2024 (Swedish)
  • Game experience through playing new teams and get plenty of Handball for the registration fee


  • Eken Cup aims to offer the referees a safe and fun cup and a positive work experience
  • Referees should feel that Eken Cup is taking responsibility for the tournament playing atmosphere and provide support when needed  
  • Eken Cup wants young referees to grow and develop with the support from mentors 

Parents and Family

  • Eken Cup aims to create a place where it is enjoyable to watch sports and spend time with other parents and the handball team coaches
  • Provide their children and themselves a positive experience and fond memories
  • Increase awareness among parents of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which is Swedish law since 2020, also see the The National Sports Confederation’s and Swedish Childrens Rights initiative for safer children’s and youth sports Barnens-spelregler-regelbok-2024 (Swedish)

Organizing Clubs

  • Eken Cup aims to contribute to the continued handball activities in the three organizing clubs
  • Pride and happiness to players and parents that help organize, work for and play in such a well arranged and fun cup as Eken Cup


  • The collaboration and partnerships should contribute to fulfill one or more of the above goals
  • Eken Cup aims for professional, creative and friendly collaborations with partners that contribute with relevant services in conjunction with planning and carrying out the cup