Registration form for

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Eken Cup 2000

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Registration form

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Eken Cup 2000
Eken Cup 1999
Results, reports and photos


Registration is done by filling out the registration form. It is found on one of these places.

  1. Print out this page found on this link.

  2. Download the PDF-file. (Acrobat Reader is needed)

  3. Use the one found in the Eken Cup brochure sent to your Club. (Contact us if you have not received one)

The registration form should be sent to Eken Cup on the following address no later than April 25 2000:

Eken Cup
c/o Kenneth Pettersson
Nedre Oxhagen 209
136 72 Haninge

Payment in accordance with your calculation on the form is done no later than April 25 2000 to:

Eken Cup
Postgiro: 24 24 54-7